Traditional PR and Digital PR

Traditional PR and Digital PR

In Digital Marketing, we must have observed a lot of dramatic change over the last decade due to the ongoing evolution.

Public Relations practitioners started embracing and accepting the new key digital PR strategies to attain a much broader audience that can’t be reached with traditional offline tactics.

But, have you ever wondered what is the difference between Traditional and Digital PR!

It is important to note that digital PR professionals or practitioners are a powerful force in a brand’s marketing team, able to effectively improve online presence and visibility by connecting with a qualified audience to spread news and information much more rapidly than traditional offline strategies.

Strategies that are used to gain brand coverage in print, including newspapers and industry-specific magazines, as well as on traditional broadcasting channels such as TV and radio can be described as Traditional PR.

Both traditional and digital PRs cover crisis, brand awareness, reputation management, and advocacy, but the medium through which they present these approaches and aspects will likely differ. Digital PR in its truest sense, is an evolved form of PR, using true and polished PR strategies to the growing and digital world.

Digital PR professionals need to not only understand how a client’s targeted audience is using online platforms, but they must have an excellent understanding as well to the nuances of each of them and how to utilize each to the benefit of their client. Whereas, on the other hand, Traditional PR professional must have excellent writing skills, should be creative enough as PR is one of the innovative fields which requires original thinking and inventiveness.

A PR practitioner, (Whether traditional or digital) must complete his/her research and invests time into developing their knowledge of the client and the industry or sector that they operate in.

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