Content Marketing: Everything you need to know about

content marketing

Content Marketing:-

Have you ever read through an article and found yourself wanting to try out the tips or advice mentioned in the article? Or have you ever looked through the description of a particular product and changed your opinion about buying it? If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions then you have experienced the results of content marketing firsthand.  

Content marketing is everything. From product descriptions to brand stories, from magazine articles to full-form tutorials, everything is tethered somewhere to content marketing. In honesty, most companies still haven’t grasped the right meaning of content in the first place. In fact, in reality, content is the only thing that markets anything.  

Any type or form of communication that a brand creates to engage with the end-user, is content marketing. It can be in the form of text, images, videos, blogs, etc. The list is endless and so are the opportunities. Community building, information exchange, brand identity, communication; it is connected with everything around marketing. 

It all started in the 80s when only a small fraction of industries dominated the world market. Televisions were on the rise and hence, broadcast marketing came along. Now those vintage television ads were among the first examples of video content to be created specifically for marketing. Those were also the first examples of branding done through content marketing 

But, till then, it was mainly about persuading the customer into buying your product. There was little communication and more advertising. And marketing is so much more than advertising. Advertising work well when customers don’t know very much. It works fabulously when it comes to getting our attention. But what keeps it is good content marketing. 

Obviously, content marketing has been around for a while now, but it becomes a whole new thing when combined with the internet. Today, you can’t rely on just advertisements because the audience is already educated about almost every kind of product in the market. Especially if you’re a new player in the market, it is going to be additionally hectic for you to gain any sort of attention. Unless, that’s negative or scandalous attention, of course. That’s easy to attract, we all know that.  

But to get genuine interest among the customers within your niche you need to go beyond regular marketing. That’s where content marketing comes in. Content marketing helps you reach potential customers through, useful, essential, or entertaining content. Let us now discuss this in detail. 

What is Content Marketing? 

If you take your cell phone and open google and search for, let’s say, Guitar, how many results do you think will pop up?  

Somewhere around 40 million. Yes, that’s how big the content pool is in the present times. It’s an overload, to say the least. Before the power was in the big brands and companies’ hands. They used to release some products and you were supposed to buy them. There was no overload of any kind. With just a few companies playing in the market it was relatively easy to market just about anything. But now, with such a big market, and competition, of course, it’s hard, to even get someone to remember your brand’s name. 

Content marketing provides you with that window to get out there and reach people who are actually looking for you. Content marketing is your opportunity to earn a seat at the high table. If your content is relevant, useful, and easy to comprehend, google will recognize you. And with Google, the rest of the world comes along.


Content Marketing


Why is it still popular today? 

Competition has grown, yes, but so has the market size. Content marketing is your chance to speak to the people directly who want your product/service. It can be seen as two different things; 1. what you call useful content and 2. what the audience thinks is useful for them. Now, can be two completely different things. And as a content marketer, it’s your job to bring those differences as close to a fine line. 

Good content sells but doesn’t sound like a sales pitch. That’s what you should aim for when it comes to content marketing. Tell a story and let the audience comprehend it, from their own perspective. Control the narrative but don’t put a limit on the customers’ imagination. Also, keep your content relevant to your brand. Your story should match your actions. Because without actions, it’s just words. And just words are very hard to believe today. Brand, story, and words all have to go together or content is a waste of time. 

Content is the only thing that matters when it comes to marketing. How well it’s constructed to deliver your message and how clearly it conveys the message to the users, there are a lot of things to consider. But in the end, still, content marketing is the only form of marketing that is timeless, and also super advantageous. That is one of the reasons it is in the lead today. Because content never really loses its value. Unless, of course, it isn’t actually valuable in the first place.  


Content has prevailed through the test of times. From the Gutenberg press till Instagram reels, every form of consumable information is somewhere a result of content marketing. And, it’s not much of a surprise that it still actually works. It’s the only form of marketing that guarantees results. It is refreshing to the audience to see that a brand is not just blatantly shouting about its products. Content marketing is your tiny window to step out of the noisy market and stand out from the crowd.  

Nothing matters if you leave your customer out of thought. You are not producing something to sell, instead, you are making it for someone to use, see, consume. And if in the end, you leave that end-user out of your process, there aren’t going to be many gains left for you. Customers value the content that values them. Hence, thinking about how to involve the customers in this, how is the customer benefiting from it is crucial before launching your content marketing strategy. 

The only way, in fact, the only right way to market a product is through beautifully and creatively curated content. There’s no other way to do it. But if you’re new to this and need some guidance to embark on your special journey of selling through content, we (TOS) are here to help. Contact our team of experts anytime and we would be happy to sort all your needs out. Give us a call today! We are the best content marketing agency in India, we build the finest content creation strategy.

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